Well, it seems I've taken a blogger break for long enough.
For years, I've tried to get my "not so tech savvy" older sister to get a Facebook account. It's been like pulling teeth, but after her visit here this summer....
It seems that it's not that she didn't want to set up a page, but she was a tech nerd.
She still kept up with everything on a calender or in an actual paper notebook!
Please note....this is my older sister....the principle of a school....a teacher!
hee hee....DORK!
Before she came home, her school had furnished her with a new Mac book.
Kewl !
I so covet that laptop!
She was all excited to show it to me, until it came time to boot it up.
From my kitchen table I heard that familiar cry...."Seester, I love you past heaven and back! (uh oh...wait for it.....) Help MEEEEEE!!!! LOL
I love it!
So being the dutiful tech savvy little sister that I am (shut up Deb) I came into the kitchen to help.
AAAARRRRRRRGH....it's a Mac! Greek to me! I've never seen anything like it!
So I had to admit defeat...I hate that! Sibling rivalry still gets the best of me sometimes....
Enter Carla....one of Deb's best friends and teachers. (she loves me)
Carla manages to get the Mac booted up, and Deb begins showing us how to take pictures and put them in all kinds of cool backgrounds. I loved it! We had such fun for about 30 minutes, then our tummy's started growling. So Deb logs off the Mac and we go out for some yummy Mexican food.
When we came back, I wanted to play with the Mac and see how fast I could figure the thing out!
We turn the power on, and hmmmmmm...Deb has logged out, and can't figure out how to log back in!
Toooo funny!
Not to worry, she says. I'll just call my tech guys and get it back up.
That never happened while she was here. We got tied up in doing family stuff. I only get to see her once a year, and there's never enough time.
Well, Miss Smarty Pants not only goes home and gets her computer running, she actually works with the tech guys and sets up a Facebook page in 2 days. I'm impressed!
THEN...she learns how to post pictures and comment on peoples walls! Go Deb!
I'm getting proud here (or wondering if she's just dictating to one of her office staff and is actually a poser) :0)
Two days later she sends me a link to her blog! WHAT????
Deb is blogging? I have to check this out!
I click on the link, and laugh so hard that I'm crying! The goof is actually going to blog her way through cyber space~ Good luck with that! snicker snicker.... I'm not there to help you.....
So I started following her. I even linked you guys to her....and I have to say that I'm proud!
She's now up and running daily on Facebook, posting on 2 different blogs, and even has a Twitter account now! And the girl is good!
She and my brother Mike have always had the gift of words...I just muddle through.
She's blogging stumbling through cyber space, and blogging her daily walk with God.
Go visit her, and give her some cyber love!
I love my sisters! Both of them, and now that we're all a bit tech savvy.....we can stay in closer contact, and harass each other long distance! Not to mention the Team rivalry. Everyone knows I'm a Tennessee Titans fan, and she love the Kansas City Chiefs. ***groan** Maybe I'll work on that next!