Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday was NOT a good day!

I took my brother for his new set of scans, and they were sooooo much worse than we expected!
I met with his oncology team, and they told me it was time to call Hospice.
He lit up like a Christmas Tree when he was scanned. Despite the chemo and radiation he has been taking,he has major tumor progression and formation. They have exhausted everything they know to do for him at this point.
My heart is broken!
I'm not familiar with how Hospice works, or what they do, but everyone I've talked to says they are amazing!

I'm so sad...I'm ANGRY....I'm broken!

BUT.....I have the best support team around me! My Celebrate Recovery Team, my pastor, my church family, and all of you.For that, I am so thankful !

My brother is such a strong Christian man, and he is not scared or worried. He went into "work mode" when we told him, and started listing everything he thought we would need to know. I'm so incredibly grateful to have this time with him, and to know that I can make his celebration of life exactly as he would want it.

I'm angry that his daughter will never have the blessing of knowing this man. She has been told so many untruths about him. She will never have the chance to find out for herself what a blessing he truly is!

I'm angry that he has only been back with us for 2 years (after an 18 year separation)....that's another post... and he has spent 1 of those years battliing ths demon called cancer!

I know that in this past 2 years God has used Mike in a mighty way! He has made good use of his time here. Many many people have come to know our Lord and Saviour because of him. He IS a man after Gods heart and puts NOTHING before that! I stand in awe of him!
Please continue to pray for Mike and our family as we try to help make his journey into GLORY a precious one!
I'll leave you with my lifesong! I cling to this:


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I'm so sorry Jacki. Our prayers are with you.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I forgot to add: Cancer SUCKS!

Robyn said...

As I sit with tears I want you to know I will keep your family in my prayers. I have not stopped praying that Mikes daughter releases her grudges for what ever is holding her back and she makes a truth with her dad.
My sister in law works for Hospice here in town and they are wonderful! I pray that the hospice there is helpful and just a wonderful blessing to Mike and all of you.
Wish I could hug you and sit with you right now, but know I'm here and praying.