A few weeks ago, my sister Deb and her friend Carla were here for a visit. We were out one day doing what we do best, shopping!
I live in a fairly small town in Western Ky, so most of the time we go to Nashville or one of the larger cities close by to shop. We were driving down the road and Deb said "What is that"?
Look...there's another....
I had no idea what she was talking about!
Then she pointed it out to me....the quilt squares painted on the barns.
I've seen these squares for years, and took them for granted. Of course I knew what they were, I just never stopped to look at them. I mean really look at them. They're beautiful!
They are part of The Kentucky Quilt Line Trail.
The trail is aimed at attracting visitors and tourist to the area. It actually started in Ohio when a woman painted a square on her families barn to honor her mother's passion for quilts. The trail now extends through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Iowa.
I'll never forget when my brother, Mike was still with us. We were driving him to a men's christian retreat weekend. We drove down a long country road that was mainly an Amish community. It showcased many of these quilt squares. Mike was in the back seat asleep (or so we thought).
Out of the middle of no where he starts screaming "hurry up, get us out of here"!
I asked him what the problem was, and he (with the most sober face he could muster) said "We're on Amish Gang Turf " !
Look....they've even marked their territory!
I thought I was going to wet myself laughing! Gosh I miss him!
I'll leave you with a few pictures of the barns in my area. (They aren't mine...I snitched them off of the website)

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