There is a whole virtual word open to us through the Internet.
Some aspects are not so great, but depending upon the choices we make, a whole new beautiful word can be opened to us.
Take blogging for instance. I have met so many wonderful people in the blogosphere.
I had so much support, information, and love throughout my brother Mike's fight with kidney cancer.
I've followed a friend's journey through the birth of a daughter with Downs Syndrome, her fight with childhood leukemia, and the international adoption of another daughter with Downs.
I've learned about military deployments, rebuilding lives after major earthquakes, the salmon runs in Alaska, and life as they know it in foreign countries.
What I've learned is that we are all basically the same. Our skin color, language, and lifestyles may be a little different...but we are all just people on this journey called life. We all want to be loved, and we need each other.
About 12 years ago, when I was fairly new to the world of computers, I found Pogo.
I was in love...I'd found the Mecca of cyber space! lol
I could actually log onto my computer and play a game of canasta or bingo with people from Germany, France or Canada. Oh happy day!
Pogo has a little chat box set up in every game room. I admit, I was afraid of them at first. I lurked, and I laughed until I cried at some the things people said!
Sometime I didn't even play....I'd just log on to read the chat.
Then one day someone said something to me!
I didn't answer at first because frankly, it startled me.
I knew this person was supposed to be a woman, but her name was Dale. (not a common woman's name in the U.S.)
I had visions of a cyber perv or something.
I didn't know computers. This was all new to me! So I turned off my computer and ran!
After a few days, curiosity got the best of me. I logged back into Pogo. After all, the room I played in was called "Clean Chat" couldn't be all bad.
Dale was there, and again she approached me. This time I answered!
We chatted about the weather, where we lived (she's in Nova Scotia), and basically made small talk.
I liked her! She was so positive...she cracked silly jokes, and she was my kind of girl.
That was 12 years ago, and now I couldn't imagine my life without her in it!
She has become my cyber sister.
This is Dale with her husband Joe.
and learned so much about each other.
We're the same age, we lost our mother's at the same time (of the same disease),
we have the same amount of siblings and children, we both love God and our families.....
We've shared our children grow and graduate ( this is their daughter Katie)
We've shared our children's weddings

He married another Katie!
(I got mine first...nah nah)
I could not love this woman more if she was my biological sister. I love her family as much as my own.
Even though we have never met "in person", Dale is my sister.....
Even though we have never met "in person", Dale is my sister.....
and Dale has been diagnosed breast cancer!
She is "Fighting Like A Girl", and my heart is breaking!
I have one major goal in life right now, and that is to go to Nova Scotia and meet my cyber sister!
Being unemployed , I'm not sure how I will accomplish this, but I WILL!
I believe God put Dale in my life for a reason, and I believe HE will provide the way!
I Love You Dale!
You have brought so much joy to my life, and I will forever be grateful for our friendship!
What a sweet post! I have "met" so many friends in the blogosphere and their kind words meant so much to me and my family while I was having heart surgery. I'm[ saying prayers for Dale and I hope that you finally get to meet her in person. How neat that you all have been friends and shared so much over the years!!
I loved this post...and you are right....we do share a lot with many of our cyber friends.
Praying for Dale!! Such a great post and tribute to a sweet friend! :)
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