Tuesday, December 8, 2009
They are truly a couple after God's heart, and have dedicated their lives to doing His work.
A few months ago, (after a regularly scheduled physical), Land Ann was diagnosed with liver cancer!
TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!! No symptoms at all!
Lane Ann began blogging as a form of therapy, and to keep us informed through her journey to healing.
This week, thing have taken a definite turn for the worst!
PLEASE pray for this family! You can read their blog here.
This time of year makes it especially hard on Tim and their children.
My heart is breaking for them!
Let me say again.....CANCER SUCKS!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
GRIEF.....I'm so there!
Honestly, I've been reading and keeping up with everyone in the blogosphere.....but the storms are raging around here lately. Every time I'd sit down to post, I'd read what I'd written and think "man....how depressing" !! So I'd just delete everything and turn the computer off!
I LOVE blogging! I really do!! I just don't want to sound like a whiney butt, so I keep deleting.
So I've decided to skim over the things going on, and I'm going to develop an "Attitude of Gratitude" from here on out. NO MORE CRY BABIES!!
So here goes......(feel free to click off at any time)
Grief x1
I'm really, I mean REALLY, missing my brother!
As the holiday season approaches it seems to get worse.
In the past month, I've also found out that 2 people very dear to me were diagnosed with late stage 4 cancer!
Can we say "CANCER SUCKS" ? I really want to scream that!!!
Neither one of them has very long to live, but they are fighting with all they have and praying without ceasing!
On the up side....I have been through 1 grief support class with hospice, and am currently in another group for grief through the holidays.
Grief.....what a word with many meanings !
While I am attending this holiday group, I'm also in training.
I feel that God has led me to facilitate a Grief Support Group at our Celebrate Recovery program at church.
I know that it's my responsibility to take the experiences God has carried me through, and use what I've learned to help others! That, in itself is another form of therapy for me.
Grief #2:
I blogged here about our daughter in law and Lyric moving out of our house without BJ.
All of that has changed, and not for the better!
A few weeks ago, I was off work and cleaning the house. I went up to clean the bathroom that BJ was using and smelled theis horrible stench in the hallway. So being the cleaner that I am....I got the Fabreeze and opened BJ's bedroom door to spray. OMG.....I was NOT prepared for what I found! Garbage everywhere! Literally, garbage.....YUCK!!
BUT......it only took a second for me to realize there was a bigger problem going on. There were liquor bottles everywhere. Not just a few beer cans ( which would have been bad enough) but LOADS of empty "hard liquor" bottles. A few full......most empty!
We had no idea! But then again...how could we? We never saw him!
This is awful in itself, but Chuck is an alcoholic! He's been sober for 17 1/2 years :0) but how much disrespect can BJ have by bringing that mess into our home?
Chuck and I talked and prayed and prayed some more, then we decided it was time for BJ to go!
Chuck took the next day off of work, and we were going to tell BJ either we would help him with treatment, or he had to move. His option.
We never got that chance. He never came home! We have not seen him since.
We know that he's ok....we checked. He is evidently living with Catherine and her mom and her brother and Lyric in a very small 2 bedroom house. I really don't think that Catherine has any clue about the drinking. It was not going on 6 weeks ago. Or if it was....he kept it very well hidden.
We've tried to call, text, what ever we can.....but he has our phone numbers blocked!
Now, it's looking like not only will I be without my brother for the holidays, but my kids and grandaughter too. I'm just so broken hearted!
BUT...... I know, without hesitation, that my son is a Child of God and God is in control here!
I just need to have faith! And I do !!!!
I have laid this all down at the feet of Jesus and told him that I can't handle it!
He has assured me that I don't need to......he has it all under control!
Thank you Father!
This is honestly the first time that I think I've been able to lay something down and walk away from it. I do have a peace about this all.
Several years ago (when my Mom had passed away) a dear friend told me the greatest thing!
I cling to it today! She opened her Bible and started reading
"And it came to pass"....."And it came to pass".... "And it came to pass".....THEN SHE LOOKED AT ME AND SAID......But ya know what????
Thursday, October 8, 2009

-Anonymous 6/22/2009
Breakfast--junior sundae and corndog from Sonic
Lunch--Cheetos and Diet Coke
Dinner--neopolitan ice cream
Who am I, Britney Spears?
-Anonymous 6/4/2009
I love my daughter but sometimes "this" is too much..
I'm a bad mother... : (
-Anonymous 5/25/2009
Anonymous -- 8/11/2008
Anonymous -- 7/17/2008
As my daughter got older, I kept telling my hubby to "watch what you say" around her and he keeps telling me she doesn't pay attention. As all Mom's know (guess not Dads tho) kids will repeat anything and mostly at the worst time. My hubby is not the most kind driver, so if someone is in front of him, not moving to his fast pace, he usually yells at them "Come on ya friggin bone head MOVE" (thank goodness he has made his language more PG rated)
So one day as I am sitting at a stop light behind another car with all the windows down in the car and my 3 yo in the backseat, the light turns green and the car in front doesn't move as soon as the light turns green. So in a loud voice I hear from the back seat "Come on ya friggin bonehead MOVE"
Gotta love what Dads teach their kids!
Anonymous -- 5/23/2008
15 year old son says to mom.....
"Mom, why did you even have me? I didn't ASK to be born you know!"
The very wise and very beautiful mother quickly responds...
"Well... I didn't know it was going to be YOU!"
Not nice, and yes, I , oops I mean she would have chosen him.... I, er I mean she would have just chosen him without the attitude!
(don't worry.... he burst into laughter and had to admit that his mother is indeed the Queen of Smart-as-a-whip, lightening-fast, comebacks to snotty questions.)
I, darn it.. I mean SHE wins! -- Dana in Texas
Am I being picky or what??? What do you think of a web page like this???
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There is NOTHING this family will not do to help a brother or sister in need. They are always the first to call or show up without you even asking. They were such a blessing to us during Mike's illness and passing! There were days that I would be working and having a really hard time. Out of no where, Janie would call me and say "God just asked me to pray with you today....do you mind?" Wow! It was ALWAYS when I needed it the most!

If you can't come to Harvest Praise on the 17th, then visit the farm on the other Saturdays in October. The hayrides, pumpkins, animals, cornmaze, etc are available. The music and food are not part of those days other Saturdays, but there is still plenty to do.
And if you can't make it on a Saturday, the farm is open every weekday thru October from 9 am to 1 pm. If those times don't fit your schedule still, just contact them--they will be glad to find a time that you can get to the farm.
Come on out to Harvest Praise on the 17th and meet the Corley's!It's an all day event, and I promise you won't be dissapointed!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
That's only about 15 miles from where I live.
I'm so excited!
They did a build in Clarksville in 2005 for the family of an army medic that had been injured in Iraq.
It was fantastic!
This build will be done the week of October 17th. That also happens to be the week Chuck and I are on vacation! We had talked of possibly going to the Smokey Mountains for a few days, but I think I'd much rather volunteer to work on this build!
If any of you are in the Clarksville/Hopkinsville/Ft. Campbell area, you can go here and fill out a volunteer application to work on the project.
Not everyone will be accepted to work, but they do need about 2000 people.
Everything from builders, to painters, to people catering for the crew are going to be needed.
We ALL have something to offer!
I love this show. It always makes me cry, and also reinforces my beliefs that there are still good caring people in America!
Come on Kentucky and Tennessee..... let's show these people some Southern Hospitality!
Monday, September 28, 2009

Chuck and I were watching the Titans loose **sigh** and we heard this little voice say "Nana....I've been looking for you!"

Played with our Littlest Pet Shop "guys" for a while, played on Lyric's "farm" on the computer, and then she was teaching me her newest hobby....BELLY DANCING! lol
Thursday, September 24, 2009
NOTHING like that has ever even been suggested!
We've talked to BJ about this, but he says it just starts another fight if he approaches the subject, but he will "try to work on it!"
We know that KY recognizes grandparents visitation rights. We just really hate taking our own kids to court.
In the meantime, BJ is still living with us (rent free), and driving across town every day to visit his wife and daughter. We still have our house full of all of their household goods (I have put most of my stuff away to make room for theirs),and BJ is paying for all of the utilities and groceries at Catherines mom's house.
She is disabled and can't work.
I'm not sure where this saga is going to go, but I do know a couple of things. BJ has to make his own decisions about his marriage. We've told him we are here to support him, but we have no place in their marriage! I also know that we cannot continue to enable his behavior as far as Chuck and I are concerned. I'd like to have my house back if they aren't going to live there.....and
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
This is the new promo video for this year. These guys are CRAZY!! I love them!!
Who says church has to be boring?
Thanks Willis, for all you do for us!
Willis is also an awesome photographer! Check out his work!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
ANYWAY.....yesterday, I was cooking supper.(woot woot...Chuck had a night off!)
So I decided to turn on the news and listen while I was cooking. I usually like to watch the news on channel 2.
Channel 3 in this area is our local tv station. It's not a very big station, and deals mostly with farming, local happenings, yadda yadda.
I saw a guy being interviewed on the station that used to be one of my delivery guys, so I thought I'd stop and see what Ol' Chad had to say!
Imagine my surprise when he and the station manager were having this in depth discussion about "how you can turn your ugly ducklings into swans on Farmville!!!"

OMG !! I never laughed so hard!
Now, I'm as big of a Facebook addict as the next guy. And yes, I too have a farm with ugly ducklings! (see above picture) While this is a great way to have some mindless entertainment, as well as a stress reliever...does it really warrant a spot on the evening news?
Like I said....they do cover a lot of farming information! lol
Won't you be my Farmtown neighbor? Maybe you too can find an ugly duckling!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I can't shake it!
I'm a firm believer that when God gives us a message, we are to share it.
I'm not sure who needs this song today, (actually we all do!)
but I just had to share it.
These guys are awesome~~~ENJOY!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Our newspaper announced today that the 101st will be re-deploying back to Afganistan earlier than we had anticipated. Being from a military background, and living in a military community, this breaks our hearts!
This community depends on our military for more than defending us! It is the lifeblood of our economy and well being. We feel the direct impact of the loss of our "guys", as well as the heartache of the families left behind.
Military wives are amazing! Not everyone could do your job!
Our Celebrate Recovery group has even started a support group just for Military wives and families. I think it may possibly be one of the fastest growing programs we have.
My sister has just started blogging, and posted this video on her blog this morning. I think it's amazing!
We salute you 101st! We love you! And God bless every one of you!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
For those of us who sometimes get flustered by our computers, please read on...
If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch, 'Who's on First?' might have turned out something like this:
ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?
COSTELLO : Thanks. I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.
COSTELLO : No, the name's Lou .?
ABBOTT : Your computer?
COSTELLO : I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.
COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou .
ABBOTT : What about Windows?
COSTELLO : Why? Will it get stuffy in here??
ABBOTT : Do you want a computer with Windows?
COSTELLO : I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?
ABBOTT : Wallpaper.
COSTELLO : Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.?
ABBOTT : Software for Windows?
COSTELLO : No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have?
ABBOTT : Office.
COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything??
ABBOTT : I just did.
COSTELLO : You just did what?
ABBOTT : Recommend something.
COSTELLO : You recommended something ?
COSTELLO : For my office??
COSTELLO : OK, what did you recommend for my office?
ABBOTT : Office.
COSTELLO : Yes, for my office!
ABBOTT : I recommend Office with Windows.
COSTELLO : I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. ?What do I need??
ABBOTT : Word.
COSTELLO : What word?
ABBOTT : Word in Office.
COSTELLO : The only word in office is office.
ABBOTT : The Word in Office for Windows.
COSTELLO : Which word in office for windows??
ABBOTT : The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'.
COSTELLO : I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with??
ABBOTT: Money.
COSTELLO : That's right. What do you have?
ABBOTT : Money.
COSTELLO : I need money to track my money?
ABBOTT : It comes bundled with your computer.
COSTELLO : What's bundled with my computer??
ABBOTT : Money.
COSTELLO : Money comes with my computer?
ABBOTT : Yes. No extra charge.
COSTELLO : I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?
ABBOTT : One copy.
COSTELLO : Isn't it illegal to copy money??
ABBOTT : Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.
COSTELLO : They can give you a license to copy money?
(A few days later)
ABBOTT : Super Duper computer store. Can I help you??
COSTELLO : How do I turn my computer off?
ABBOTT : Click on 'START'...........
There is nothing like them. It's very common to get tied up in a "traffic jam" of 10-15 tractors driving down the highway hauling tobacco leaves. They hang the leaves in a barn and smoke them. What a wonderful smell that gives off! I guess you have to live in the country to really appreciate it. It's a very unique smell, and the air is thick with it.
This is Main Street of the town I work in. I LOVE this place! It is very often compared to Mayberry. This is a small town, and everyone knows or is related to everyone here. Businesses are still closed on Sunday, and everyone has a church affiliation. There is actually a VERY heated vote going on in this county next month to end prohibition. it is actually dividing the people of Trigg County.
There is no Walmart here,and you are defined by who your mama and daddy are....and where you go to church! Every October, this town hosts The Trigg County Ham Festival". It's a blast!
People come from all over the country for this event!
It's all things country!!
There's a carnival, all sorts of music (country, of course), hog calling, food and crafts vendors, and a Gaither type church service on Sundays.
The town gets all decked out with everything "HAM". LOL
There are contests with the best decorated yard and business. EVERY business has their own " mascot".......... Pigs of course!
I'm including pictures....see if you can tell what kind of business they belong to!
"Deputy Hogg"

He belongs to the sheriffs office!

He is in front of the local book store!!
"Sue E."She lives at a local restaurant
"Second Hand Rose"

You get the idea!
The kick off event to this weekend is this.....
There is actually a competition to get into the Guiness Book Of World Records for baking the worlds biggest ham and biscuit! We've made it several times! There was a special oven built to accommodate this bugger! It takes LOADS of people hours and hours of mixing, measuring and rolling to make this happen. After the official measurement is taken and submitted, it is cut up and pieces are sold to raise money for the festival!
I can't wait for the fall! I'll be one of these people visiting the vendors, and eating the goodies!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This is why I always wear flats!
Needing a bit of bloggy help!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
19 ???? OMG!!

The Duggars are expecting baby #19!!
That's 19 !!
That poor woman!
Don't get me wrong....I think they are such a sweet family, and I love the fact that they are self-supporting (unlike the octo-mom)....but 19!
I love big families. There were 7 of us!
I've known several people that have large families through adoption, or other circumstances.
But 19 pregnancies ?????
That poor woman's uterus! It must be worn out by now.
I'm amazed that she's still healthy enough to bear children.
Her last baby is only 5 months old. When does her body ever get to recover?
What do you all think?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The winner of my giveaway is Robyn at An Alaskan Family!
Congrats Robyn! I look forward to your new look!!
Robyn's family is in need of some special prayer right now. Hop over and show her some bloggy love!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Don't Forget My Giveaway!
Jill , at Blogs By Sneaky Momma, has offered to do a Sweet Package giveaway with a design kit.
She's also offering the winner 50% off her odds and ends items!
Drawing on Sunday afternoon.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
However, I feel it's one we must all see, and share with our teens that drive and text. I know they all deny doing this....but this video may save a life!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
100th POST!!
Never when I started blogging did I think I'd meet so many awesome people! I love the blogosphere!
Thanks Renee for giving me the opportunity to become a part of this community!
I started blogging when I won a blog makeover (or a creation in my case) from my friend Renee. I'd been stalking her blog for a while, and she did a bloggy giveaway that I entered and won!
So in honor of my 100th post, and Renee....I'm giving away a blog makeover too!
There are so many talented people out there, and Jill, (a sneaky friend I met through the blogosphere) offered to help me out with this one!
Here's the particulars of this giveaway:
I have arranged for one winner to receive a Sweet Package (a $35 value) and design kit (up to $9) from Blogs by Sneaky Momma. The winner will have the option to add additional items (odds and ends) to their makeover at 50% off the regular price. Blogger blogs only. Commercial blogs are ineligible.
To enter just leave a comment on this blog (required) and tell me why you'd like to win a makeover.
Please leave me your email so I can contact you!
Additional ways to enter: ( leave a separate comment for each thing that you do)
**Follow this blog!
**Follow Jills Blog
**Link to and mention this giveaway in a post on your blog
**Follow Renee's blog
Maximum entries/comments: 6
You have until 3:00 pm (CST) Sunday, August 30th to enter.
I will email the winner, as well as post their name on this blog.
You will have 48 hours to respond to my email , or a new winner will be selected.
Good Luck and Happy Blogging!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Random Stuff....My Thoughts Today

Gosh, i was trying to think of how to post everything going on in my head today, then I saw this cute button on Robyn's blog....so I stoled it!
Thanks girlfriend! I needed it!
First off, I'm LOVING this weather! It's been in the high 70's to low 80's with NO humidity! I just want to stay outside and play!
I'm so sad!! I blogged last month about my friends Moriah and Don FINALLY being pregnant with their first child. They were sooooo happy! Moriah was even blogging her way through the pregnancy.
Then yesterday I got an email prayer request from our church. Moriah had a miscarriage! Oh my heart aches for them! They were so excited, and had waited so long!
I had just seen a new blog YaYa has created for women that have lost their babies. It's WONDERFUL!! I wrote to Alicia, and she is sending Moriah a grief package. What an awesome idea!
Then I found this blog.
Deb sends out these beautiful handkerchiefs "For Your Tears" shed for your baby.
She is also sending one to Moriah.
These girls are awesome! What a wonderful way to show Mom's that someone cares....that they're not alone!
When Jacob played his first football game last week, we realized that we needed a new camera. Sooooo....Chuck bought me one for my birthday (it was the 20th) ( my birthday, not my age). This camera has a super zoom on it, now if only I can figure out how to use it! lol
Maybe I'll get some good pics of my grandbaby, who is now taller than me!
I'm so glad that doctors have finally decided that your appendix is a useful organ!
I'm not so glad they decided this after they removed mine!

I'm really concerned about the swine flu this year! Do you get a flu shot every year? How are you planning on protecting yourself and your family from swine flu this year?
This is my 99th post! Woot Woot!
Tomorrow (in honor of my 100th post)....I'm having a very "Sneaky" giveaway! You'll have to check back to see what it is.
I promise you won't want to miss it!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Jacob's 1st Football Game!
My grandson Jacob made the football team this year!
Normally, this wouldn't be such a big thing to us. He's always been a boys boy...but his heart has alway been in BMX and skateboarding. Kristy and Phillip recently made a move to a new town. Jacob was scared! He's 13, and the new kid in town. New friends,and a new school.... UGH.
He had all of the normal jitters any 13 year old boy would have. Will the girls like me? Am I wearing the right clothes?? Am I smart enough?? Will the girls like me??
What if I don't make new friends?? Will the girls like me?
His first day of school, he was sitting in the lunch room and noticed a teacher staring at him. (for a long time)
Jacob asked if he was in trouble, and the teacher said he would be if he didn't try out for the football team! A bit scary since most of his time has been spent on wheels of some sort, and not on his feet! He'd never played football!
But he went to tryouts, and kept going to practice.
The boy is GOOD! The coach says a natural!
Imagine his surprise when he not only made the cut....but he made the "A" team!
Our boy is a starter!
The team had their first game on Saturday night. So the proud Mama and Daddy, along with the VERY excited Nana and PawPaw made the journey to the game.
I took my camera to the game (like I do for all firsts),and Jacob was none too thrilled!
We grow 'em big in KY! This is Jacob with his very proud Mom! He's 13....she's....oh well....you get it..she's the mama. (say thank you Kristy)
Then there was the proud PawPaw...you can see by his t-shirt that he has high hopes for the boy!
We found our seats and the game began!
We got to see him make some nice blocks !!
He actually played 2 positions in the game. Defensive End and Offensive Tackle. We're not sure where he will land permanently yet, but after only 1 week of practice, we were really proud of him!
His team won the game 12-6!!
Woot Woot! Go Rebels!!
You can tell, he was a bit proud of himself too!
It's hard (but very exciting) to watch them grow up!
He was glad that I brought my camera after all, and oh....the girls love him!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sneaky.....VERY Sneaky!
You can make some really good friendships through blogging, and find out quickly that you really are not alone in this universe!
I have become friends with one of the most amazing women! Her name is Jill.
Jill is an awesome mommy to 2 girls,a wife, and a super friend. She gives so freely of herself,and is always there to encourage me and lift me up.
She has even created a blog totally devoted to helping newbies,like me,do the blogging thing the right way. This blog is dedicated to blogging tips and creations. She will talk you through (in plain English) things like adding buttons, strike throughs,sidebars, and all of that cool stuff to make your blog awesome!
Today, Jill has asked me to be a "Secret Sneaky Friend" on her blog!
I heart this idea! It's basically a Q&A session with the questions being submitted by her other blog readers!
I thought this was going to be an easy way to open myself up, and let others see a bit deeper inside of me. WOW....was I wrong! You people ask some deep questions!
Hop on over to Jills blog and check it out. (I may have to copy this idea one day!)
And by the way....I'm coming up on my 100th post...WOOT WOOT !!
I'm working on a Very Sneaky giveaway!
Stay Tuned!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
What an inspiration!
We all need an attitude like this!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Yesterday, I got an email from Dr. Geoff Rutledge at Wellsphere.
Someone there was following my blog, and they asked I would be a featured blogger on their cancer website! Cool !!
I highly suggest you check it out. (The web site...you're all ready reading my blog)
There is a wealth of information about any health concern or condition you can imagine.
Who would have thought that all of my rantings and ravings would be featured as a caregiver on a major web site!
They even created this really cool button for me!
Thanks Dr. Geoff!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Cash For Clunkers....I Qualify!
If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish, and my paint job is getting a little dull. But that's not the worst of it.. My headlights are out of focus, and it's especially hard to see things up close.
My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.
My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently.
But here's the worst of it --
Almost every time I sneeze, cough or laugh,
either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.
A trip to my sisters house
My family.....
He's quite the practical joker!
NO ONE touches his grill!!
Even in the pouring down rain!
They call them blackmail!! lol
St. Joe is an awesome place to visit!