OK, so it's Saturday, another weekend with Lyric! :0)
Here's the problem....Lyric is 3. A bit independent, and VERY strong willed!
Her mom & dad are in the middle of a move, and she's a bit unnerved these days.
I'm just the Nana here, but....she's 3! They have yet to start potty training her. UGH
My kids were both potty trained by 2!
I'm trying to work into the potty thing, but this week we put away her crib. She's had a daybed in her room here for about 3 months. She calls it her "big girl bed" and loves for her babies to sleep in it.However, Lyric wants to stay in her crib!
We took the crib over to her other grandmas house this week. The kids are staying there during the course of their move, and there was no bed for Lyric there.
They have a big girl bed at the new house, but have not spent the night there yet.
I'm trying to put her down for the night, and she keeps getting out of bed!
She seems scared to death of the bed, and wants me to sleep with her.
Suggestions??? She wants the crib back!
I've gotten her settled for a minute with the tv on and a DVD playing.
I know all of this change is getting to her, and I don't want to make it any worse on her. I can't just keep moving the crib from house to house!
How long did it take your kids to transition to a bed from the crib?
What differences were there between Grandma's house and yours?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Outhouse Competition...lol
I got this email this morning....
So Bizzare! This is a real competition! lol
Exhibit Showcases the Lowly Outhouse as High Art
Chances are you've never used one, but all this
month some of the prettiest outhouses in Texas
are on display in downtown San Antonio .
The " Thunderbox Road " art exhibit is going on
at the Menger Hotel. There are 12 full-sized
"Thunderboxes" or outhouses painted and decorated
in true Texas style.
Sonja Howle with the Thunderbox Road exhibit says
it "was created to pay tribute and showcase the talent
we have in the Hill Country artists."
In February, the exhibit will be at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. After their tour, the outhouses will be auctioned off to benefit medical research and the Western Art Museum in Kerrville .

So Bizzare! This is a real competition! lol
Exhibit Showcases the Lowly Outhouse as High Art
Chances are you've never used one, but all this
month some of the prettiest outhouses in Texas
are on display in downtown San Antonio .
The " Thunderbox Road " art exhibit is going on
at the Menger Hotel. There are 12 full-sized
"Thunderboxes" or outhouses painted and decorated
in true Texas style.
Sonja Howle with the Thunderbox Road exhibit says
it "was created to pay tribute and showcase the talent
we have in the Hill Country artists."
In February, the exhibit will be at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. After their tour, the outhouses will be auctioned off to benefit medical research and the Western Art Museum in Kerrville .

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Help Bring Kellsey Home!
My friends, the Garcia's, are adopting a baby girl with "designer genes" from Eastern Europe.
Renee is holding a fundraiser to help offset all of the adoption expenses.
Stop by and show Renee and Frank some love, and help them Bring Kellsey Home!
Renee is holding a fundraiser to help offset all of the adoption expenses.
Stop by and show Renee and Frank some love, and help them Bring Kellsey Home!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
OK, I've been missing in action for the past few days.
I wrote last week about my aching back, and I REALLY did it in over the weekend.
That being said, I've called my chiropractor, and have been flat on my back for the most part lately.
Sunday, we were supposed to go to market in Nashville.
Saturday night was total chaos....I didn't think I'd live until Sunday, let alone go to a market!
BJ and Catherine were moving into a new house about 25 miles from here. Since I had to work, Chuck volunteered to keep Lyric while the kids moved. Keep in mind that it's been 23 years since one of our kids was Lyric's age. How hard could it be to entertain a 3 year old, Chuck thought!
I got a phone call at 4:00. "Honey, can you come home", he said ever so sweetly!
I couldn't get her to lay down...she kept climbing out of the bed...She won't eat......I've played all of the Oobie I can possibly play on the computer for one day! What should I do?
Nana to the rescue!
Luckily, I have the luxury of being able to leave my job a bit early if I need too.
After I'd been here an hour or so, the kids callled and said they would be very late getting back to town. Could we keep Lyric overnight? Normally this is an every weekend event, but I HAD to go to market at 6:00 the next morning.
Not to worry, BJ said. I'll call Kristy.
10 minutes later the phone rings....It's Kristy..."Mom, we're lost somewhere outside of Bowling Green, and will be really late getting home. I told BJ I'd keep Lyric! Can you keep her? Arrrrrgh I HAVE TO GO TO MARKET! Oh, I forgot! I'll get her as soon as I can! Poor Lyric!
BJ calls back....Mom, he says, we have NO HEAT! The water isn't working in the kitchen! We can't stay here until the gas company comes on Monday. We're coming to get Lyric in a few hours, ok?
Where are you going to stay, I asked? Well, we hadn't thought of that yet! Maybe on your sleeper sofa? OK, I told him, but I HAVE TO GO TO MARKET !
I had totally forgotten that all of my office furniture was in the living room blocking the sleeper sofa! So Chuck and I (with Lyrics help) started moving it all back into the office. (pictures of the finished product tomorrow)
Somewher around 7:30 my boss calls....They went to Nashville early to check things out, and there were no vendors there! We're cancelling the trip to market she says! Woot Woot!
So I call BJ back, tell him I'm putting Lyric to bed, and they can come in when ever they're ready. UGH, my head hurt!
Sunday morning, Kristy picked Lyric up for the day, and we helped the kids finish move. Cute house! Bad Karma from the beginning! No heat, no water in the kitchen, and rotten chickens in the freezer! It was COLD ! Good thing, I think the chicken stench would have killed us!
We got all of their things in, the old apartment cleaned out, and now we wait! It seems the water lines AND the gas lines need to be replaced! Meanwhile the kids are sleeping where ever they can,and I'm going to visit the chiropractor!
How was your weekend?
I wrote last week about my aching back, and I REALLY did it in over the weekend.
That being said, I've called my chiropractor, and have been flat on my back for the most part lately.
Sunday, we were supposed to go to market in Nashville.
Saturday night was total chaos....I didn't think I'd live until Sunday, let alone go to a market!
BJ and Catherine were moving into a new house about 25 miles from here. Since I had to work, Chuck volunteered to keep Lyric while the kids moved. Keep in mind that it's been 23 years since one of our kids was Lyric's age. How hard could it be to entertain a 3 year old, Chuck thought!
I got a phone call at 4:00. "Honey, can you come home", he said ever so sweetly!
I couldn't get her to lay down...she kept climbing out of the bed...She won't eat......I've played all of the Oobie I can possibly play on the computer for one day! What should I do?
Nana to the rescue!
Luckily, I have the luxury of being able to leave my job a bit early if I need too.
After I'd been here an hour or so, the kids callled and said they would be very late getting back to town. Could we keep Lyric overnight? Normally this is an every weekend event, but I HAD to go to market at 6:00 the next morning.
Not to worry, BJ said. I'll call Kristy.
10 minutes later the phone rings....It's Kristy..."Mom, we're lost somewhere outside of Bowling Green, and will be really late getting home. I told BJ I'd keep Lyric! Can you keep her? Arrrrrgh I HAVE TO GO TO MARKET! Oh, I forgot! I'll get her as soon as I can! Poor Lyric!
BJ calls back....Mom, he says, we have NO HEAT! The water isn't working in the kitchen! We can't stay here until the gas company comes on Monday. We're coming to get Lyric in a few hours, ok?
Where are you going to stay, I asked? Well, we hadn't thought of that yet! Maybe on your sleeper sofa? OK, I told him, but I HAVE TO GO TO MARKET !
I had totally forgotten that all of my office furniture was in the living room blocking the sleeper sofa! So Chuck and I (with Lyrics help) started moving it all back into the office. (pictures of the finished product tomorrow)
Somewher around 7:30 my boss calls....They went to Nashville early to check things out, and there were no vendors there! We're cancelling the trip to market she says! Woot Woot!
So I call BJ back, tell him I'm putting Lyric to bed, and they can come in when ever they're ready. UGH, my head hurt!
Sunday morning, Kristy picked Lyric up for the day, and we helped the kids finish move. Cute house! Bad Karma from the beginning! No heat, no water in the kitchen, and rotten chickens in the freezer! It was COLD ! Good thing, I think the chicken stench would have killed us!
We got all of their things in, the old apartment cleaned out, and now we wait! It seems the water lines AND the gas lines need to be replaced! Meanwhile the kids are sleeping where ever they can,and I'm going to visit the chiropractor!
How was your weekend?
Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's time for another Hi/Lo Thursday....and I could write a book.
My "HIGH" for this week was that Chuck decided to re-do my home office! Yippeeeee
Today is also the 10th anniversary for my daughter and her husband. That isn't just a "high"...it's a miracle! I'm sooooo thankful for it!
My "LOW" for the week is a biggie.......
Last week, I wrote about some family friends making contact with my neice. We were so thankful! Yesterday,however, my brother was served with civil papers from his daughter! She is accusing him of domestic violence and stalking her! Seriously???
HE has had no contact with any of that family! It's been myself, or my sister or my daughter that initiated the reunion! We actually did not tell my brother about it until AFTER we got a response from his ex-wife! NOT FROM HILLARY!
So Mike has been summoned to Jacksonville, Florida to appear in court! He can't even drive himself to the grocery most days....let alone go to Florida!
Mike contacted the courts in Jacksonville, as well as an attorney here. They tell him NOT to worry (yea, right) It will be taken care of...but he will still be responsible for court costs?????!!!
HE HAS DONE NOTHING! Now we have to take him to appointments with attorneys,he has to file affadavits, and all of this headache for something he did not do!
The kicker to the whole story is that more than half of the things they say in their affadavit is not true! They claim our friends that went to see Hillary at work were my parents! (They died 10 years ago) She also says they introduced themselves with my fathers mother's maiden name?? Seriously? I had to stop and think about what that name was!
They also left Hillary a business card in case she ever changed her mind. They left a contact name and number! Is it just me, or does this sound fishy? Why would you try to lie about who you are, and then leave a business card??
Another irony to this story is that "Someone" from Hillarys family is checking his Carepage! I don't know about any of you...but to me Carepages was and is not a social networking page! You have to be invited, or told that one even exists. It's not just something you stumble on like MySpace. Help me here Rene! How many of you have ever heard of Carepages unless you've had an ill family member or friend!
Anyway, as administrator I can see who his visitors are, their email addys, and how often they check on Mike. I noticed a new visitor last week ago named "Jane Smith". How original! The thing that caught my attention was the email address! It's unique, and also the email addy of Mike's ex-wife! Hmmmmmm Talk about dumb! Why would you register as Jane Smith, then use your real email addy? Can we say DUH!!!
IF they are afraid and fear they are being stalked....why would they check his Carepage? When they do, they will only find out the truth about his illness!

10 years! Has it really been that long?
Time Flies!
I know this relationship didn't start out the best way it could have. I'm glad things have changed, and you proved to me that "Mother doesn't ALWAYS know best".
The road has been long, and very hard at times. I just wanted you both to know how much I love you, and how proud I am of the people you have become.
You are such awesome parents to my most perfect grandson,and such a joy to be around.
In the past 10 years we've watched you grow into remarkable adults. I'm so proud of the caring and compassionate people you have become.Not just to others, but to each other as well.
When times were the toughest for you....you still opened your hearts and home to friends and family that were just a little less fortunate then yourselves.
I've seen you laugh,cry,and grieve with others, and offer a shoulder to lean on ,or a hot meal to a friend who just needed to make it until payday!
I've seen you bend, but NEVER break! I've also felt the love and support you had to offer when I was in my darkest days.
Phil, I know now how much you truly love our daughter, and how much she returns that love. I don't think God could have given her a more special man. THANK YOU!
You make me laugh when you call just to say "I'm Sorry Mommy", and cry when Jacob does something to break your heart.
I pray that the Lord blesses you with many more years together, and that your walk with him becomes stronger and stronger!
Oh....and I pray that one day you won't have to do this any longer....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm afraid! I'm VERY afraid!
For the next 2 weeks, Chuck is laid off. Crud...I NEVER get time off.
Yesterday morning he asked me if I had anything for him to do while he was home.
Hmmmmm....he ASKED for a HunnyDo list! lol
I don't think he really meant it!
"No Dear", I crooned "just enjoy your time".
TWO(2) freekin weeks off with no obligations!
So yesterday he calls me while I'm at work. I've moved your computer he says. WHAT??
It's now in Lyric's room, along with the entire contents of the home office. While I had the time off, I thought I'd refinish the floors and paint the office!
Yippee Skippy! (I watch too much Noggin).
We've been talking about refinishing the hardwood floors in that room since BJ moved out 6 years ago. Two years ago, I found the perfect paint color for this room! I took home the paint chip and taped it up on the wall right at eye level. It's still there! Maybe I'll finally fill the whole wall with color before the new millinuum!
So last night when I got home,my living room was full of books, papers, and all of that "junk" that was laying around in the office. You can't even walk in Lyric's room (unless it's sideways), and there is stuff everywhere!
Chuck promises that it will all be cleaned up and finished by next week.
I believe him.....he ALWAYS finishes his projects.Just sometimes... it takes a while.
Looking on the bright side....my office will be done next week at this time. I won't have to spring clean that room...and I'm off tomorrow. I won't have to worry about cleaning house until everything is back in the office! Yet another "blessing" !
Yesterday morning he asked me if I had anything for him to do while he was home.
Hmmmmm....he ASKED for a HunnyDo list! lol
I don't think he really meant it!
"No Dear", I crooned "just enjoy your time".
TWO(2) freekin weeks off with no obligations!
So yesterday he calls me while I'm at work. I've moved your computer he says. WHAT??
It's now in Lyric's room, along with the entire contents of the home office. While I had the time off, I thought I'd refinish the floors and paint the office!
Yippee Skippy! (I watch too much Noggin).
We've been talking about refinishing the hardwood floors in that room since BJ moved out 6 years ago. Two years ago, I found the perfect paint color for this room! I took home the paint chip and taped it up on the wall right at eye level. It's still there! Maybe I'll finally fill the whole wall with color before the new millinuum!
So last night when I got home,my living room was full of books, papers, and all of that "junk" that was laying around in the office. You can't even walk in Lyric's room (unless it's sideways), and there is stuff everywhere!
Chuck promises that it will all be cleaned up and finished by next week.
I believe him.....he ALWAYS finishes his projects.Just sometimes... it takes a while.
Looking on the bright side....my office will be done next week at this time. I won't have to spring clean that room...and I'm off tomorrow. I won't have to worry about cleaning house until everything is back in the office! Yet another "blessing" !
Monday, February 16, 2009
I think I've lost it!
OK, needing some serious blog help here!
I went to access my blog this morning and it's GONE!!
Seriously....I can see my sidebars, and buttons, but no posts!
If I go to archives.....I can see my posts, but my front page is blank!
Can you guys see it?
What have I done wrong???
I went to access my blog this morning and it's GONE!!
Seriously....I can see my sidebars, and buttons, but no posts!
If I go to archives.....I can see my posts, but my front page is blank!
Can you guys see it?
What have I done wrong???
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Just Ramblings
Wow! I just realized I haven't updated since Thursday! Unreal!!
Truthfully, I'm in a bit of a funk. I threw my back out last Tuesday(not hard to do at my age)and it just makes life a little tougher to enjoy!
This was a week of whiners at work. We go through those stages when it seems everyone just complains....customers, co-workers, and even the UPS men! Ugh!
I guess I could contribute alot of it to the fact that we're studying a new book in my Celebrate Recovery class called "Boundries".

I'm really learning so much from this book. I've learned that it IS ok to say no sometimes, and I really don't have to be the peacemaker all of the time! I'm NOT responsible for the fight a co-worker had with his girlfriend over the weekend,and I don't have to tolerate his bad mood because of it!
We were told when we started this study to expect some flack from the people closest to us. People don't like it much when change happens, and they can't control it.
I'm telling you, there is FREEDOM in this book! If you haven't read it, I'd highly reccomend it. It makes a great small group discussion.
Speaking of....Chuck and I are joining a new small group on Wednesday evenings at church based on the movie "Fireproof" ! I'm sooooo excited about this one. I guess the best part is the fact that HE actually suggested we join!
Wow, my funk is lifting just blogging about this stuff! Guess it's another "Blessing" for me to count!
Truthfully, I'm in a bit of a funk. I threw my back out last Tuesday(not hard to do at my age)and it just makes life a little tougher to enjoy!
This was a week of whiners at work. We go through those stages when it seems everyone just complains....customers, co-workers, and even the UPS men! Ugh!
I guess I could contribute alot of it to the fact that we're studying a new book in my Celebrate Recovery class called "Boundries".

I'm really learning so much from this book. I've learned that it IS ok to say no sometimes, and I really don't have to be the peacemaker all of the time! I'm NOT responsible for the fight a co-worker had with his girlfriend over the weekend,and I don't have to tolerate his bad mood because of it!
We were told when we started this study to expect some flack from the people closest to us. People don't like it much when change happens, and they can't control it.
I'm telling you, there is FREEDOM in this book! If you haven't read it, I'd highly reccomend it. It makes a great small group discussion.
Speaking of....Chuck and I are joining a new small group on Wednesday evenings at church based on the movie "Fireproof" ! I'm sooooo excited about this one. I guess the best part is the fact that HE actually suggested we join!
Wow, my funk is lifting just blogging about this stuff! Guess it's another "Blessing" for me to count!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hi/Lo Thursdays

I found this post on The Freemans Blog today.I thought it was such a great idea!
From now on, I'm going to participate in Hi/Lo Thursdays!
The Riggs are giving away $100.00. I AM NOT ! lol
I think this is such a great idea! We need to "Count Our Abundant Blessings" as well as humble ourselves, and ask others to pray for our "lows".
As for myself this week, I guess my greatest "high" would be that my brother Mike (who has kidney cancer)got a great report from the doctors this week. His counts are way up...he gained 8 pounds (I wish that was good for me, lol), and his spine tumor is responding well to radiation! Praise God!
My lowest low is the fact that Mike has not seen his daughter, Hillary, in 18 years :0(
She was 4 the last time we saw her. Mike and his wife divorced, she took Hillary to Florida and remarried. Hillary was then adopted by a wonderful man who took great care of her! Hillary was told,growing up, that Mike had been killed during Dessert Storm! I finally made contact with Hillary last year, after she turned 21. I explained that Mike had not been killed, and was anxious to meet her. Alot to handle for a young lady. Then I had to tell her that Mike was in stage 4 kidney cancer. OUCH
This past weekend, some family friends were in Jacksonville. They went by Hillary's work to meet her. They offered to pay for a round trip ticket for herself and a friend to come to Nashville and meet my brother. She declined!
She thinks it is easier to have never remembered Mike then to meet him and put a face with a name.....only to loose him so fast.
Please remember this situation in prayer. We covet a reunion with Hillary, and it is the one wish Mike has before God takes him home!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Win a bloggy makeover!
Jill at Sneaky Momma is giving away a bloggy re-do! It's not for a full makeover,it's for either a three column template (similar to a makeover, but no header or wallpaper), a slideshow, or a button box for a blog.
Since I've had such fun with this one I won from Renee, I thought I'd pass along another chance for someone to win!
Visit Jill and let her know I sent you! She has some SUPER tips!
Since I've had such fun with this one I won from Renee, I thought I'd pass along another chance for someone to win!
Visit Jill and let her know I sent you! She has some SUPER tips!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Crafty Weekend
We had Lyric this weekend. It's always so much fun to see what she's learned through the week, and what her new "favorite" things will be.
This week, it was Olivia! I started buying the "Olivia" book series for her when she was a newborn. Her full name is Olivia Lyric. I never dreamed they'd make it into a tv show that she'd love!
Anyway, somehow, I completely tore up my back last week, and am having a hard time walking, let alone chasing a 3 year old! So we had to be creative. I found an Olivia web page on Noggin. They had these really cute cutouts you could print. So we did. Then I came up with the idea of attaching them to Popsicle sticks. We spent hours cutting, pasting, and having Olivia puppet shows! What fun!!
It wasn't even hard getting her ready to go back home yesterday. She wanted to have puppet shows with mommy and daddy, too.
I love being Nana!

This week, it was Olivia! I started buying the "Olivia" book series for her when she was a newborn. Her full name is Olivia Lyric. I never dreamed they'd make it into a tv show that she'd love!
Anyway, somehow, I completely tore up my back last week, and am having a hard time walking, let alone chasing a 3 year old! So we had to be creative. I found an Olivia web page on Noggin. They had these really cute cutouts you could print. So we did. Then I came up with the idea of attaching them to Popsicle sticks. We spent hours cutting, pasting, and having Olivia puppet shows! What fun!!
It wasn't even hard getting her ready to go back home yesterday. She wanted to have puppet shows with mommy and daddy, too.
I love being Nana!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies.
Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.
Check out the things that you can do with it:
FIRST ~ Emergency
The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112.
If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.
Try it out.
SECOND ~ Have you locked your keys in the car?
Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday.
Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end.
Your car will unlock.
Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object.
You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!'
THIRD ~ Hidden Battery Power
Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#.
Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time..
FOURTH ~ How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 #
A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset.
Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.
When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code.
They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.
You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either.
If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.
And Finally.... FIFTH ~ Free Directory Service for Cells:
Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to.
Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial(800) FREE 411, or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all.
Program this into your cell phone now.
Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.
Check out the things that you can do with it:
FIRST ~ Emergency
The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112.
If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.
Try it out.
SECOND ~ Have you locked your keys in the car?
Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday.
Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end.
Your car will unlock.
Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object.
You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!'
THIRD ~ Hidden Battery Power
Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#.
Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.
This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time..
FOURTH ~ How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 #
A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset.
Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.
When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code.
They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.
You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either.
If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.
And Finally.... FIFTH ~ Free Directory Service for Cells:
Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to.
Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial(800) FREE 411, or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all.
Program this into your cell phone now.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
What's the most unique Idiom you've ever heard of?
Wikipedia defines an Idiom as a phrase whose meaning cannot be determined by the literal definition of the phrase itself.
I just think some of them are hilarious!
We've all heard "Cool As A Cucumber" or "Kick The Bucket", but I've heard some really unique ones lately!
June, my co-worker, has some of the cutest ones I've ever heard! Her sayings just crack me up, and make my day! I think her favorite one is about a man named Peter Tumbledown! Every time the store gets in a mess, or someone tracks mud through,June will say "This place looks like Peter Tumbledown's"! The funny part is...I Googled Ole' Peter, and he was a real guy! lol
Another favorite is when someone is trying to accomplish something that you just know can't be done. June will say "He Doesn't Stand A Chinamans Chance" lol
I know these sayings started from somewhere...isn't it funny how they last through the generations!
What's your favorite?
Wikipedia defines an Idiom as a phrase whose meaning cannot be determined by the literal definition of the phrase itself.
I just think some of them are hilarious!
We've all heard "Cool As A Cucumber" or "Kick The Bucket", but I've heard some really unique ones lately!
June, my co-worker, has some of the cutest ones I've ever heard! Her sayings just crack me up, and make my day! I think her favorite one is about a man named Peter Tumbledown! Every time the store gets in a mess, or someone tracks mud through,June will say "This place looks like Peter Tumbledown's"! The funny part is...I Googled Ole' Peter, and he was a real guy! lol
Another favorite is when someone is trying to accomplish something that you just know can't be done. June will say "He Doesn't Stand A Chinamans Chance" lol
I know these sayings started from somewhere...isn't it funny how they last through the generations!
What's your favorite?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Yummy Tummy
Jamie at Sticky Feet is giving away a Yummy Tummy!
These T's look awesome!
They're guaranteed to rid you of "Muffin Top" ! (A BIG problem at my age!) lol
Drop by and show her some love.
Enter the drawing while you're at it. But do it soon!
Drawing is on Feb.15th.
These T's look awesome!
They're guaranteed to rid you of "Muffin Top" ! (A BIG problem at my age!) lol
Drop by and show her some love.
Enter the drawing while you're at it. But do it soon!
Drawing is on Feb.15th.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tomorrow is National Wear Red Day. When you are trying to decide what to wear tomorrow, consider RED!!
Help to support the fight against heart disease in women!
Help to support the fight against heart disease in women!
A Day "Off" ??
Yesterday I had a "day off" from my regular job. You know, a day off!
That meant instead of dealing with the public, mailing statements, bank deposits, day sheets, etc. I got to stay at home and work!
Usually my day off consists of bathing 4 pugs, changing bed linens, mopping, dusting, catching up on bills, and if I'm lucky....working on a Pogo badge(my secret folly).When I'm caught up on all of that....I cook. One day a week!
I'm blessed that Chuck (my hubby) gets home 3 hours before me every day, and he cooks supper!
Quite well, I should add. He does laundry and dishes too!
Well, yesterday got a swift kick in the pants! Chuck told me that he had taken a vacation day. We could spend the day together! Woot Woot!
Now don't get me wrong, I love spending time with him. We have alot of fun together, and after 28 years....that's quite a feat in my book!
I've been sort of in the market for a new computer. I really need one, the processor is going out on mine. I'm not one to run right out and buy anything "just because". Things will be fine until a major catastrophe happens. When I try to boot my computer and get a red screen.....well, I'll grumble and be mad at myself for not taking soon of it sooner...THEN I'll go buy another one.
Chuck, on the other hand, is a gadget guy. If there's something new and improved out there he's going to find a reason to buy it. (Hence the vacation day). His mission yesterday was to hold me captive at every electronics store he could find until I bought a new computer. But Chuck, I argued, I'll have to change to Vista .I'll have to move all of my files...what if I loose my pictures? You just can't replace pictures!
It didn't work!
Chuck does not do maintenance on our computers. He checks mail,pays bills, and downloads music...the end. It was like arguing with a brick wall!So after hours of looking and reading....I found a computer I'd settle for at Best Buy.
"Settle", he said? Get what you need to blog, edit pictures, and hold my music!
So we load everything up, and head to the checkout.....and Best Buy declines my check!
What?? Seriously?? You must be kidding! No reason, the silly checkout just said "Decline" ! I knew the money was there. I'd just written a check over the weekend for a laptop for my brother!(this ended up being the problem, the 1st check had not yet cleared) "Go to your bank", they said. We'll hold the stuff for you. Usually not a problem, but my bank is in Hopkinsville...20 minutes away!
A light bulb comes on in my head...the mall is right beside Best Buy and we have a sister store in the mall! So off I go, fuming, to the mall! I borrow their Internet and log on to my bank. No problems there....so I call the bank. They can't explain. It must be Best Buys fault.
I gave up vacuuming for this abuse! I could have waited for a computer...but Chuck took a vacation day! Grrrrr
I refused to argue with anyone else, or to shop anymore. "Take me home", I say.
Chuck concedes. "Is it ok if we stop at Walmart on the way", he says. I need to look at something, and I'll buy you a salad at Zaxbys on the way. Ohhhhhh, no fair! He KNOWS I love Zaxbys salads.
After a mini break, and a full belly I agreed to Walmart.
We walked into Wally World,and there is the exact computer I'd tried to buy at Best Buy for $100.00 less (and it was KY tax too)! I stood there hugging the box (there were only 2)with my mouth hanging wide open until the clerk came to unlocked the little security thingy.I'm never that lucky! We grabbed the box and headed to the checkout....daring anyone to break line or reject my check again! I still had an hour until American Idol came on!
Hurry Chuck! Hurry!!
I got home and was greated by 4 hungry, unhappy, unbathed pugs, and a pile of dirty laundry! My floors are not mopped,the bed is not made, and supper is the last thing from my mind!
But I have a new computer!
My pictures are safe, my blogging is done, and I no longer have to wait 10 minutes for pages to connect!
Life is good!
That meant instead of dealing with the public, mailing statements, bank deposits, day sheets, etc. I got to stay at home and work!
Usually my day off consists of bathing 4 pugs, changing bed linens, mopping, dusting, catching up on bills, and if I'm lucky....working on a Pogo badge(my secret folly).When I'm caught up on all of that....I cook. One day a week!
I'm blessed that Chuck (my hubby) gets home 3 hours before me every day, and he cooks supper!
Quite well, I should add. He does laundry and dishes too!
Well, yesterday got a swift kick in the pants! Chuck told me that he had taken a vacation day. We could spend the day together! Woot Woot!
Now don't get me wrong, I love spending time with him. We have alot of fun together, and after 28 years....that's quite a feat in my book!
I've been sort of in the market for a new computer. I really need one, the processor is going out on mine. I'm not one to run right out and buy anything "just because". Things will be fine until a major catastrophe happens. When I try to boot my computer and get a red screen.....well, I'll grumble and be mad at myself for not taking soon of it sooner...THEN I'll go buy another one.
Chuck, on the other hand, is a gadget guy. If there's something new and improved out there he's going to find a reason to buy it. (Hence the vacation day). His mission yesterday was to hold me captive at every electronics store he could find until I bought a new computer. But Chuck, I argued, I'll have to change to Vista .I'll have to move all of my files...what if I loose my pictures? You just can't replace pictures!
It didn't work!
Chuck does not do maintenance on our computers. He checks mail,pays bills, and downloads music...the end. It was like arguing with a brick wall!So after hours of looking and reading....I found a computer I'd settle for at Best Buy.
"Settle", he said? Get what you need to blog, edit pictures, and hold my music!
So we load everything up, and head to the checkout.....and Best Buy declines my check!
What?? Seriously?? You must be kidding! No reason, the silly checkout just said "Decline" ! I knew the money was there. I'd just written a check over the weekend for a laptop for my brother!(this ended up being the problem, the 1st check had not yet cleared) "Go to your bank", they said. We'll hold the stuff for you. Usually not a problem, but my bank is in Hopkinsville...20 minutes away!
A light bulb comes on in my head...the mall is right beside Best Buy and we have a sister store in the mall! So off I go, fuming, to the mall! I borrow their Internet and log on to my bank. No problems there....so I call the bank. They can't explain. It must be Best Buys fault.
I gave up vacuuming for this abuse! I could have waited for a computer...but Chuck took a vacation day! Grrrrr
I refused to argue with anyone else, or to shop anymore. "Take me home", I say.
Chuck concedes. "Is it ok if we stop at Walmart on the way", he says. I need to look at something, and I'll buy you a salad at Zaxbys on the way. Ohhhhhh, no fair! He KNOWS I love Zaxbys salads.
After a mini break, and a full belly I agreed to Walmart.
We walked into Wally World,and there is the exact computer I'd tried to buy at Best Buy for $100.00 less (and it was KY tax too)! I stood there hugging the box (there were only 2)with my mouth hanging wide open until the clerk came to unlocked the little security thingy.I'm never that lucky! We grabbed the box and headed to the checkout....daring anyone to break line or reject my check again! I still had an hour until American Idol came on!
Hurry Chuck! Hurry!!
I got home and was greated by 4 hungry, unhappy, unbathed pugs, and a pile of dirty laundry! My floors are not mopped,the bed is not made, and supper is the last thing from my mind!
But I have a new computer!
My pictures are safe, my blogging is done, and I no longer have to wait 10 minutes for pages to connect!
Life is good!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Valentines Day Giveaway
My friend, Renee, is doing a Valentines Day Giveaway. She has 10 lucky people that will win a Hallmark "talking" Vanentines Day Card.
Hop over to her blog and check it out! These would make awesome cards for any Valentine on your list!
Leave her a comment and tell her your favorite thing about Valentines Day!
Hop over to her blog and check it out! These would make awesome cards for any Valentine on your list!
Leave her a comment and tell her your favorite thing about Valentines Day!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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